I am not so sure where to put this entry, here or over at my other blog, but because it has to do with yoga - I'll begin here.
This is the easiest time to find lucid dreaming, when I have woken up and can fall back asleep without worry.
Anyhow, I dreamt I was working myself into full pigeon pose. I was looking back towards my foot, which in real life, I can not do and this is a pose I am always working towards...anyhow, I then could see a face and beautiful soft lips. My focus, drishti, was so connected I felt I was in that beautiful space- I was in the center of the lips and I could feel this pigeon pose open up. And then as I came out of the pose, I was two of me - but my lower self stood in front of me, naked and smiling, while my higher self was blessing my other self. I was placing my hands on the chakra points, but I was going into the body since my higher self--well was clearly higher and could. I knew it was a higher spirit/holy spirit blessing me. And then it was over.
The end.
And when I woke up and remembered it, I did another happy dance. This time for a spectacular day.
Om Shanti.