Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tat Twam Asi

This past year in reading one of Swami V's books, I came across the mantra:
Tat Twam Asi

Though translated in various English phrases, "That thou are", I didn't really understand what I was supposed to understand about who That and Thou are.

And when I can't understand something, I don't force my way to the path, but I do open up the lines of communication to get to the path.

I read the phrase over.
And over.
And over.
I put it on my phone, so there it was/is--along with the picture of my family.

I let it happen.
And finally it did.

I read somewhere else a different sort of translation--
Tat: My soul/atman/innermost being connected to the
Twam: Braham/God/Universe
and bringing it all together in this great big connection is
Asi: Union

And  there you go...I got it.
Well, at least for now--a beginning of an understanding,
that may or may not be how I interupt it tomorrow.
Om xoxo